Kamis, Desember 25, 2008

Quote David Archuleta dr mjlh Life Story

Favourite quote gw di Mjlh Life Story David Archuleta nih!
Sbnr'a sih semuanya gw suka smua quote david pz interview tapi ya ini beberapa quote yg trbaik mnurut gw.. Inget ya, MENURUT GW!!

1. Then my sister listened to 'N Sync and the BSB, but I didn't like them.

2. I'd just sit there on the upside-down rocking chair and wait my turn to sing the parts.

3. My sister Claudia is 19. She's really short and she loves to read.

4. It's so weird that people used to think wd were twins, but then I kept growing and she didn't. (Kocak!!)

5. Well, that's name she goes by, but her real name's Melissa and her middle name is Jasmine, but everyone calls her Jazzy. She just turned 12, and for her birthday I took her and my little sister Amber out to Yoshi's.

6. She's so sweet. She'll give people massages. Jazzy will always boss her around like, "Do this forme, do that for me." I'm like, "Amber, don't let her boss you around!" but she's like, "No, it's okay, I want to do it!" I'm like, "AMBER!".

7. When our friends come over, she's like, "Do you want me to get you anything?" it's funny.

8. It's actually a choice we have and it's something I've always wanted to do.

9. I was like, "There is no flippin' way that I am going to get past these people. I'm just this weird-looking 16-year-old kid from Utah and they're these amazing singers.

10. The closer the auditions got, the more I started to think that maybe I should go, that I should experience what it would be like.

Segitu dulu aja, lain kali gw posting lagi quote'a.
Byk lg dh yg ga kalah bgz dr ini.

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