Kamis, Maret 05, 2009

Hari penuh tawa! Hahahaha

Ahh udah 2 bulan ga posting makin miskin aja ini blog.
Gw bingung mw cerita apa.
Ohya hari ini tanggal 5 bulan maret tahun 2009, tepatnya hari Kamis yang cerah saya bangun seperti biasa.
Berangkat sekolah dengan semangat 45, mau pemantapan!
Pas pemantapan, bu indri tuh yg ngajar.
Saya duduk bersama rossy mah bukannya merhatiin guru malah ngobrol+ketawa ketiwi sendiri.
Mahendra dan Eki yg duduk di belakang kami pun ga merhatiin.
Jadi pemantapan kami itu udah dibagi berdasarkan peringkat, saya dapet di kelas 9.1.
Ohya didepan saya ada si ummi.
Setelah pemantapan, gw balik ke kelas.
Jajan dulu lahh.. Haha
Terus ke ruang AVA karena mw presentasi.
Nah gw lupa bawa kacamata tuh, yaudah gw balik lagi ke kelas.
Eeeeh pintu kelas susah bgt dibuka!
Gw suruh2 aja org lewat bwt nolongin gw.
Si albar 9.4 gw mintain tolong bwt buka penahan pintunya.
Trz si bayu 9.1 *klo ga salah* saya mintain tolong buka pintu yg teramat keras itu.. Eh dy ga bisa.

Yaudah gw usaha sndri.
Dan akhirnya dgn kekompakan gw n syarah, pintu itu terbuka jg.

Yaudah kami balik ke ruang AVA. Duduk lesehan.
Dan disana gw ketawa superduper ngakak..
Ngetawain siapa tebak?
Si Cloudya sama Nur bilang gini "si halimah pose duduknya kayak SUSTER NGESOT ya".
Eh gw n sam denger mreka bilang gitu n pas gw liat....
Trnyata si halimah duduknya emang mirip suster ngesok!
Gw ketawa ngakak bgt.
Trz aja ada yg lucu jd gw ketawa terus.
Udah gitu, si Widhi ngegodain Halimah, jadi Widhi duduk di dpn Halimah dan ngeliatin halimah dgn tatapan mesra bgt. XP
Dan gataunya Halimah yg dijuluki primadonanya 95 itu menangis tersedu-sedu, ToT
Gw n kawan2 malah tambah ngakak dong. Hehehe

Ketika kembali ke kelas ya widhi minta maaf gitu ke halimah.
Sbnrnya mnurut gw si widhi ga salah, halimahnya aja trlalu sensi. XD

Karna pak sidiq ga ada, gw dikelas aja ngobrol2 sama syarah, nur n sam.
Kami ketawa2 mulu.
Mulai ngetawain makanan2, ngmgn bencong, dll.

Lucu bgt dh.

Pokoknya ini hari yg lucu bgt!
Gw ketawa mulu.

So, mari kita ketawa lagi. Biar ramai.
*geje mode: ON*

Quote David Archuleta on Life Story part 3

1. Well, there's no way that persons's gonna leave, there's no way that person's gonna not make it.

2. Okay, there goes half my repertoire!

3. Sometimes if more than one person picked the song, you'd draw and then whoever won the draw could sing it. It happened to me a couple of times, but i never won.

4. My feeling is that I've gotten this far, let's see how much further I can go.

5. It wasn't like i was so bummed out from it.

6. It's not like I did that on purpose, bcz I was lazy. I messed up. I was embarrassed, but I wasn't beating myself up over it.

7. ...bcz the next day we had to record the iTunes song and we still didn't know what song it was going to be!

8. You need to have the ups and down to know what it feels like. It's kind of like you appreciate having a house so much more when you've lived on the streets.

9. You're going to end up in a very different place if you had just gone straight.

10. Bcz you can reach a goal and still have so much more to do.

Quote David Archuleta on Life Story part 2

1. Sometimes they do get a little frustrated with people bugging them, bcz they're trying to live their own lives.

2. They'd be like, "Hi," then prank call them, even though it was the other people calling! So they'd just answer and pretend they were, like, the mortuary.

3. I feel it's a huge blessing, but she doesn't see it as me changing.

4. Music is totally a way of communicating. When you're mad, when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're in love - all of that kind of stuff!

5. Everyone has their own plan. Everyone has their own unique story of their life.

6. Do I really want to go down to San Diego, spend money on the airplane tickets and hotel and wait in line that long and then not get through?

7. Are you kidding me?

8. I'm just this weird-looking 16-year-old kid from Utah and they're these amazing singers.

9. I just said to myself, "I made it! I have a golden ticket!" [starts singing "Golden Ticket" from the Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory soundtrack].

10. And so each time it got narrowed down, it was less likely I would stay, you know?